Lewandowski fue visto cojeando después de que Polonia asegurara su lugar en la Eurocopa 2024

The striker seems to have a knock

Barcelona striker Robert Lewandowski was spotted limping after helping Poland book their spot at Euro 2024 on Tuesday by beating Wales in a penalty shoot-out.

Lewandowski scored his penalty but was seen limping after the game as the team went back to their hotel, according to reporter Dominik Wardzichowski.

“Robert Lewandowski finished the match against Wales with an injury. After returning to the hotel, he was limping, but nothing serious seemed to have happened. The captain was the only one who found a moment for the fans after returning from the stadium,” he reported.

It’s thought the striker has a thigh issue as he was seen clutching the area during the match and also had an ice pack applied at the start of extra-time.

Robert Lewandowski kończył mecz z Walią z urazem. Po powrocie do hotelu utykał, ale wygląda na to, że nic poważnego się nie stało. Kapitan jako jedyny znalazł chwilę dla kibiców po powrocie ze stadionu #WALPOL pic.twitter.com/l1Wg3C37D3

— Dominik Wardzichowski (@dwardzich22) March 27, 2024

It doesn’t seem to be a serious issue but it’s entirely possible Lewandowski could be rested at the weekend against Las Palmas in La Liga.

The striker played the entirety of both Poland’s games over the international break, and Barca won’t want to take any risks with his fitness as they approach some crucial games next month in La Liga and the Champions League.

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